The Communications Outbound Manager processes outbound communications, for email, fax, wireless message, or page channels. It also supports outbound capabilities for Siebel Email Response and for the Send Email, Send Fax, and Send Wireless Message commands.
Here is the eScript sample code:
//instantiate the business service and the propertysets
var bs = TheApplication().GetService("Outbound Communications Manager");
var inputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var outputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
//Communication profile to be used - must be a current profile defined in the application
var CommProfile = "MyProfile";
var MsgToList = "";
var MsgBody = "Hello testing hello! How are you today?";
var MsgSubject = "Testing Message";
//Where C:\ on the Siebel Server or the Siebel Client file system?
//Or where in a remote client?
var AttachFileList = "c:\\test.txt";
//for web client use 'Remote' instead of 'Local'
inputs.SetProperty("MsgSubject",MsgSubject); inputs.SetProperty("AttachFileList",AttachFileList); bs.InvokeMethod("SendMessage",inputs,outputs);
inputs = null;
outputs = null;