- If a Siebel Vanilla field has Immediate Post Changes, Force Active or Link Specification set to TRUE DO NOT change this property as it would be used in the underlying C++ code for that BC.
- If you clone (copy) a BC consider if the BC really does need to be cloned, there is usually a lot of fields, MVL, user properties on an existing BC, is it possible to create the BC from scratch only using the Fields, MVLs, user properties that are required? This may be better performance that cloning the entire BC.
- If the cloned BC has a class other then CSSBCBase ask yourself why you are cloning the BC, if you are not requiring any specialized class functionality then change the class of the cloned BC to CSSBCBase. CSSBCBase class allows user properties (such as Named Method N) to be invoked which other BC classes can not.
- Dont inactivate or delete any standard vanilla fields - the specialized C++ code for the BC class may require these fields and could cause runtime error.
- Dont change the column or join on standard vanilla fields. The vanilla fields have been mapped to those joins/columns by siebel and may be used in the C++ code associated to the class of that BC. Also consider that Siebel have baselined and performance tested their product with the vanilla out of the box BC fields/columns. Changing the underlying columns on vanilla fields could adversely affect performance as appropriate indexes may not be used any longer.
- If you need to create a new custom extension column you are usually better off creating this on the base table (eg. S_CONTACT) rather than using the 1:1 extension table (eg. S_CONTACT_X). When updating and saving records having fields on the extension table will result in additional INSERT or UPDATE statements required for the extension table. Also we just finished a Siebel upgrade and found complications where some of the extension columns (ATTRIB_XX) were now mapped to Siebel fields in the new Siebel version. Therefore we had to re-map our existing fields on these columns.
SiebelSupport - Learning the sharing way :)
When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it - this is knowledge.
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