The behavior might be encountered after applying IP2014 on top of an existing Siebel version 8.1.1.x/8.2.2.x.
The behavior is caused by failure to start the Gateway Server due to missing SIEBEL* environment variables.
Even if the correct siebenv script is sourced prior to the installation, similar behaviors might be encountered
The Siebel Enterprise name might also be truncated in the siebctl command issued by the migration process
While performing a migration installation with Siebel on Unix/Linux (Siebel Server). You may see a similar error in the installation log.
* Log can be found under ../oraInventory/logs/oraInstall<creation_date_time>.out:
Executing Command: /bin/csh -c chmod -R 755 /vol1/sia81/ses
Executing Command: /bin/csh -c source /vol1/sia81/ses/gtwysrvr/siebenv.csh&&/vol1/sia81/ses/gtwysrvr/bin/start_ns
Executing Command: /bin/csh -c source /vol1/sia81/ses/gtwysrvr/siebenv.csh&&/vol1/sia81/ses/gtwysrvr/bin/start_ns
starting siebel migration
Preparing siebel server update
gateway address localhost:2320
enterprise name esia81
Siebel server name srvr1
username SADMIN
siebel update cmd /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/spu 9ntkUOUf
/vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/spu 9ntkUOUf
delete path /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/sys/svc.siebsrvr.esia81:srvr1
siebctl -S siebsrvr -i esia81:srvr1 -a -g "-g localhost:2320 -e esia81 -s srvr1 -u SADMIN -ep /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/spu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
output siebctl: Command not found.
siebel server update success
spu update success
gateway address localhost:2320
enterprise name esia81
username SADMIN
gateway update /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/gpu -g localhost:2320 -e esia81 -u SADMIN -p 9ntkUOUf
/vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/gpu -g localhost:2320 -e esia81 -u SADMIN -p 9ntkUOUf
output: /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/lib/gpu: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
gpu update failed
completed siebel migration
Executing Command: /bin/csh -c source /vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/siebenv.csh&&/vol1/sia81/ses/siebsrvr/bin/start_server all
Executing Command: /bin/csh -c /vol1/sia81/ses/ccr/bin/emCCR start
ils Base Dependency List:: {"ses.db.always:","ses.db.config:","ses.db.db2udb:","ses.db.db2390:","ses.db.dbcommon:","ses.db.dblang:","ses.db.files:","ses.db.mssql:","","ses.db.thirdparty:"}
SES Base Dependency List: {"ses.db:","ses.siebel:","ses.gateway:"}
The IP2014 installation files have been updated with new JAR files including the fixes for these two issues.The installation files will be soon re-packeged and re-uploaded to MOS>Patches&Updates and eDelivery site.
In case you have already downloaded the IP2014 installation files, please proceed as follows:
1. Download the apiinstaller.jar file from
Download apiinstaller.jar Oracle Link
2. In your installation image locate the following file: Server\Siebel_Enterprise_Server\Disk1\stage\ext\jlib\apiinstaller.jar
3. Back-up and delete the apiinstaller.jar from the current location
4. Copy the downloaded apiinstaller.jar to your installation image
5. Make sure that the siebenv.csh scripts under gtwysrvr and siebsrvr folders are updated so that Gateway Server can be successfuly started after sourcing the sieben.csh script.
Note that the installer will source the siebenv.csh script for starting the Gateway server
6. Run the installation for IP2014
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